Discourse programme of the Videonale. 16 (in cooperation with medienwerk.nrw)


Discourse programme of the Videonale. 16 (in cooperation with medienwerk.nrw)

FR, 17.02.- SA, 17.02.2017

Office medienwerk.nrwPanel Discussion

The office medienwerk.nrw cooperated with the long-standing network partner Videonale e.V.. Together, the two partners organised – as part of the discourse programme of the VIDEONALE.16 – two panels for the opening weekend (February 16th – 19th, 2017), during which there were also many other performances, lectures and guided tours:

Panel: The artist is (not) present – Live performances and their representation in media art 
Impulse lecture by André Eiermann: Postspectacular performance
Talk: Doplgenger (artist duo, Belgrade), André Eiermann (dramaturge, theatre scientist, Cologne), Wermke/Leinkauf (artist duo, Berlin)
Moderation: Katrin Mundt (freelance curator, author, Bochum)
In english language.

The panel discussed the theoretical and aesthetic framework of performances – those ones which are performed live and also the ones which are preserved in video. The starting point was the thesis that performances do not depend on the joint physical presence of performers and audience, but rather involve a mediating third party.

Panel: Performativity of digital media – on action and participation everywhere 
Talk: Dries Depoorter (media artist, Gent), Stefan Panhans (artist, Berlin), Julia Scher (artist, professor for multimedia/performance, Cologne)
Moderation: Felix Hüttemann (PhD student, Bochum)
In english language.

In the constant battle for attention, regarding to the flow of digital image overload, there are usually no winners or losers. Despite constantly optimised methods of self-presentation, it remains unclear who is performing for whom and who is seen by whom. The panel reflects on other (subversive) strategies to react to the ubiquitous retrievability of the unique.

The panel were a cooperation with the office medienwerk.nrw. 

The program of the Videonale and the opening weekend can be found at: v16.videonale.org.

The office medienwerk.nrw was funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of NRW. Office hosted by: Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund.